The Best Is Yet To Come Midlife Coach
Society tells you that once a woman hits 50 or 60 you’re on the downhill. How many times have I heard women say,
“I’m on the wrong side of 50”?
By the way, I said it myself not so long ago.
Like you, I was starting to feel a bit creaky, my knees were aching, memory slipping, sleep was a bit dodgy and I experienced energy dips throughout the day.
And on top of all that the lbs roll on – it seems at this stage impossible to eat the same things anymore.
Sounds familiar? And if you're like me I bet:
You’ve tried diets,
listened to podcasts,
followed health people online,
downloaded tips,
maybe even taken shakes,
pills or potions.
Yet, somehow, despite all your efforts, you're starting to think maybe creaking joins, memory loss, low energy, weight gain and general slowness are just part of getting older.......

We need to talk
My name is Janice Tracey and I am a Nutritional Therapist and Lifestyle Coach helping women have their best, most healthy and vibrant lives over 50.
If you’re a woman who wants to feel on the right side of 50, living a thriving and energentic life for years to come, I’m here to help you.
I want to share everything I’ve learned from my own journey, moving beyond 50 and not sleeping, gaining weight, energy highs and lows, burning the candle at both ends...
to now, at 63, a granny, feeling healthier, stronger and more energetic than ever before, running my own business and confident I’ll be showing up at life for decades to come with granddaughters, Ava and Maeve and grandson Jim.
I combine all that know-how with the skills I have developed over 10 years helping people lose weight and 4 years studying everything about the human body, nutrition, lifestyle in order to get you the fulfilling and healthy future you want.
My passion is giving women the tools to buck the societal expectation of slowing down and declining health over 50, and instead install habits and lifestyle changes that bring energy, clarity, joyful movement and a maintainable healthy weight for many years into the future.
What really breaks my heart about this health space?
Seeing woman over 50 who want to invest in their health, who want a vibrant future, but are sold quick fixes, one size fits all or outdated dietary approaches. These types of fixes are at best expensive but at worst, leave you feeling worse than when you started.
You may be afraid that you can’t stop the slippery decline into a slow and uncomfortable old age. Despite how much you’ve seen, or how you’ve seen other people transform, you fear you don’t have what it takes to turn it around and make your future a vibrant one..
Please believe me.
You have exactly what it takes.
And I can help.
I can take you from
“I’m on the wrong side of 50”
“I can’t wait for the next chapter; the best is yet to come.”
If you’re looking for support to get you to “the best is yet to come” feeling,
you’re in the right place.
Working with me, you will experience a life full of
vitality, energy and bouncing wellness.
I can’t wait to meet and support you.
What My Clients Say

Barbara Hanna
I joined one of Janice's small groups for weight loss, in January, and within the first week was eating so well. I couldn't believe the difference, not having the feeling of wanting to snack and not having the 'fog' feeling. I noticed my sleep and energy levels increase very quickly too. Janice is very thorough in her guidance and explains all her topics in easy to understand language. I've lost 2st and 9lbs.
I feel so much healthier. I've lost weight, started exercising and have much more confidence in planning and making meals. Janice is brimming full of knowledge and the delivery of information during her sessions is excellent. Her enthusiasm and interest in nutrition and wellbeing gives me much needed encouragement and increases my levels of motivation which helps me achieve my goals. I wish she would write a book.